dear,I‘m back.
HI :m8 my dear friends, i am back:m12 .I have missed you:m20 . Have not seen you for a long time:m44 . Summer vacation is just around the corner:loveliness: , so what are your plans for this year:m15 ?someone,do you still remember me:lovely ? I don't meet you ever:( , and I don't know you:m35 . i don't know
whether you like me or not.:m30I just remember nothing.:xingfu I miss you so much.:m12 你是回来申请英语角版主的么 而且用的全是初中时候的语法和词汇。
LZ的英语真停留 :m29写的辛苦不.... 而且用的全是初中时候的语法和词汇。
集大某豆 发表于 2010-6-29 11:19
:bofu18 不要那么直白... 回复 5# 曉輪回
:fd 好把 OH.欢迎回来! 等下,我打错别字了,是“好吧” 哈哈没有关系了我今天开心我很快就能见到某人了。 好想转圈圈.....转啊....转.....转..... 回复 2# 集大某豆
我回来见某人的~~ 回复 5# 曉輪回
某人不会英文.... 默默地飘过来围观回来得楼主。 默默地飘过来围观回来得楼主。
点点草 发表于 2010-6-29 11:39
:loveliness: 兴奋的搂紧你 么么么么么么 默默地飘过来围观回来得楼主。
点点草 发表于 2010-6-29 11:39