留学DIY之五-- 给加拿大签证官的信 study plan 大致模板(未修改版)
本帖最后由 ShaneKi 于 2010-9-1 14:05 编辑学习计划尊敬的加拿大签证处执事官员:您好! 我是申请人:XX,(出生于XX年X月X日)。怀着对出国留学的梦想,2004年我报读了北大资源学院,攻读4年制工商管理专业。北大资源学院是北京著名的提供国际教育的大学,我所就读的贸易管理课程是由北大资源学院与亚洲公开大学(澳门)合作的。在这里,我得到了很好的国际化教育,尤其要感谢亚洲公开大学的老师,让我接受了最先进的思想和学习方法。2010年夏天,赴澳门论文答辩以后,我顺利获得了亚洲公开大学学士学位。在这里我渡过了美好的大学时光,美丽的校园,可亲可敬的老师,可爱的同学们,带给我难忘回忆。在老师和同学眼中,我是一位阳光,充满朝气,勇于奋进,易于相处,热心助人的女孩。在班级我担任文体委员,积极组织班级各种文艺及体育活动,每年的大学新生学校演出活动及毕业生汇演活动,我班师生都奉献出精彩的节目。紧张的学习生活之余,我充分安排好业余时间,和同学一起享受大自然带给我们的快乐。我的父母一直拥有高收入的工作,现在在北京春晖兴业投资有限公司工作,父亲是副总经理,母亲为办公室主任。父母二人为我提供了很好的生活和学习环境,对我的要求也是非常严格,让我知道独立的重要性,他们一直希望我能成为像他们一样事业有成的人。他们非常支持我能到加拿大去留学,他们希望我能成为一个成功的商人,拥有自己的事业。08年毕业后,我曾经在康氏工艺品店做过售货员,09年6月开始在北京中清泰富教育咨询有限公司市场专员的工作。在工作中,我的语言表达能力和团队合作精神都得到了很大提高,我很喜欢这两份工作。同时我也意识到所学的知识非常有限,我希望能用更先进的知识武装自己。在朋友的推荐下,我了解到加拿大菲莎河谷大学的研究生预科课程可以帮我进一步提高英语水平的同时,补充一部分加拿大本科知识,并能协助我申请加拿大其他大学的硕士课程,是我在现阶段的最好的选择。完成在菲莎河谷大学的学习之后,我希望可以以优异的成绩,申请温哥华岛大学,攻读MBA课程。毕业后我将立即返回中国,用所学专业知识及过硬的外语能力来实现我的梦想,能拥有我自己的事业。我的父母在我大学毕业时就为我考虑过出国读书的计划,同时准备了充足的资金支持我在国外学习的一切费用,提供70万元作为资金担保。在此递上我的签证申请,请使馆官员审阅,同时期盼能获得签证许可,开始我人生中留学的第一步。再次感谢使馆官员审阅我的申请材料,谢谢!申请人:XX
2010年7月19日Study PlanTo whom may concern:I am the applicant XX, born on XX. With the dream of going abroad, I studied four-year program in business management in 2004 in Peking Resources College which is famous for its international education and that programe is a cooperation program between Peking University Resource College and Asia International Open University in Macao. Thanks to the teachers from Asia International Open University (Macao) in particular, I got a good international education and they helped me improve my ideological and learning skills. In 2010’s summer vacation, I went to Macao for the oral defense of my graduation thesis, and then successful got the Bachelor Degree in Art. Reminding with happy and unforgotten memory of my wonderful university life, I am thought as a bright, sunny, warm-hearted and active student. I was the leader of Recreation and Sports Secretary in my class, so I often organized classmates to take part in variety of activities, especially in every freshmen year’s performances and graduation parties. After graduated in 2008, I once worked as a salesman in Kang’s Fine Arts Shop. Now I have worked in Beijing Zhongqing TAFE Consultancy Co.,Ltd as a marketing specialist since June 2009. During these times, my ability of expression and teamwork has been greatly improved. By the way, I realize my limited knowledge, so I wish I could learn more advanced knowledge. On the recommendation of my friends, I can improve my English and learn Master foundation courses in University of the Fraser Valley. I believe that university of the Fraser Valley is my wise decision and after finishing my study there, I want to apply for MBA program in Vancouver Island University. My parents have well-paying jobs and works in Beijing Chunhui Xingye Investment Co., Ltd, my father works as a vice general manager and my mother works as an office director. I have a good living and studying environment. My parents are always strict with me and teach me the importance of independence. They always want me to be just like them as a successful man. So they support my plan to study in Canada, preparing for abundant capital about RMB 700,000.00 yuan for all of the tuition and the living expense in Canada. After I finish my study, I will come back to China to run my own business with my knowledge and excellent English ability.Here I would like to appreciate officer reviewing my application document and looking forward to getting study permit.Sincerely yoursXXAugust 18, 2010