Cannot compain
Every time when I meet with the setbacksI thought it were the society, the PRC, the PPL , the rules' faults
I seldom think of myself
What did I do to make things happened
What did I say to make things to go in a wrong way
I seldom think of this
worse still
I blame the ppl around
It seems that they the ppl around made all kinds of things happened
but it is not the truth
I made things happened
I cannot control myself cos I never try
i never think of changing myself
to be a hard-working one
to be a kind-hearted one
I believe in luck
but actually it doesn't work
My laziness and carelessness make things happened
and what is more
I compain much
I should use my brain
what do u think? 小葵先去拿英文字典来……:m28 PPL是什么? 网络电视~偶下了一个,不过米时间看:m29 I thought it were the society, the PRC, the“ PPL” , the rules' faults:o 我喜欢看pplive里面的康熙来了:loveliness: 偶英文烂滴很,闪了,不要在这里丢人现眼:o ppl=people 我错了。。。。。。。
回复 #8 amorlove 的帖子
楼主好厉害。。。。。 忍辱负重地路过,顺便,谁能告诉我这篇文章表达什么意思?:m28 基本上每个人都有头脑混乱的时候当头脑昏乱的时候就会语无伦次
我就是这样的 cc.....我知道你是早上会计课睡晕的 又被你发现了啊
怎么老是坐我后面捏 是你老是坐我前面的