艾伦 帕克的《迷墙》——破墙而出与终极自由
[ 本帖最后由 JOJO.JIN 于 2007-6-21 21:56 编辑 ] 4个金的人?
........... 看你这语气...我没猜错咯....
异常矛盾的话.....你觉得你属于哪个级别?大师级OR入门级? 大师级和入门级只是两个词而已
矛盾本身不是矛盾的 你说这话的时候就是矛盾!:m23 原帖由 JOJO.JIN 于 2007-4-12 16:47 发表 http://www.chengyi.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif
唯心唯心…… 唯心无所谓.看不清世界才可怕 矛盾让我们至今仍然在这里谈论不休
往事与将要到来的值得另人有所怀疑 什么都不要想.直接躺在床上等死不也很好 也可以这样认为
回复 #9 黒.白.。反.轉. 的帖子
什么都不要想 拿上枪找死是不是更好宁愿被毁灭也不愿意被麻木
LZ又在扯淡 现在就来给你们这些人扫盲吧 破墙而出与终极自由
We don't need no education,
We don't need no thought control,
No dark sarcasm in the classroom,
Teacher, leave them kids alone.
HEY! TEACHER! Leave them kids alone!
All in all it's just another brick in the wall,
All in all you're just another brick in the wall.
We don't need no education,
We don't need no thought control,
No dark sarcasm in the classroom,
Teacher, leave them kids alone.
HEY! TEACHER! Leave us kids alone!
All in all it's just another brick in the wall,
All in all you're just another brick in the wall.
If ya don't eat ya meat, ya can't have any puddin!
How can ya have any puddin if ya don't eat ya meat!
You, yeah, you behind the bikesheds, STAND STILL LADDIE!