aiguo512 发表于 2008-9-2 20:27:26


Overcrowding on some of Japanese train services is so bad that passengers are allotted proportionately less space than the EU legal minimum for poultry, sheep and cattle. A report issued by the Department of Transport reveals details of just how serious are the conditions of overcrowding faced by millions of commuters on the country’s busiest rail routes.

Among the worst of the so-called “cattle class” commuter lines are the 08.02 from Woking to Tokyo, which are operating at 76% above capacity, making them the most crowded trains in Japan. On the latter service, 870 passengers are being squeezed into carriages designed to carry a total of 495 people, while on the Woking train 865 passengers are forced into a space designed for 492 people.

熊熊 发表于 2008-9-2 20:29:29


silva 发表于 2008-9-2 21:00:59



阿叶 发表于 2008-9-2 21:11:00

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小明 发表于 2008-9-2 21:33:38

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