Today I heard the most unusual story, well maybe not that unusual, about a Western guy who really wanted a Vietnamese girlfriend. At first when I heard it, I thought the waiter was joking. Here is how the story goes.A couple days ago, this Western man, not sure about his age, brought a Vietnamese girl to the restaurant where I eat at a couple times a week. The waiter, who I have known for nearly two years now, was asked to translate for the man since he could not speak Vietnamese. The girl could not speak English as well.
The guy wanted the waiter to tell the girl he will pay her 100,000 VND per day if she would be his girlfriend. She could live at his house but did not have to have ‘boom boom’ with him all the time.
The waiter told me that the girl did not respond but he felt she would accept the offer. He knew who the girl was and said she worked at the bar nearby.
Oddly enough, this may in fact be quite common in the backpack area. Wow, this is another world to me. Call me naive but the Vietnam I know is much, much different.
I am curious to see if anyone out there have heard of similar stories?
体……验…… 越…… 南……
回复 楼主 aiguo512 的帖子
看不懂诶 那是哪国语言啊 为什么不用中文?????:Q 让你们看英文;P 原帖由 xiaoaojingling 于 2008-9-17 19:05 发表 http://www.chengyi.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif为什么不用中文?????:Q