长时间用手机聊电话(煲电话粥),你敢不敢?Do you dare to use your mobile phone to chat for a long time?
Exposing the new surprising function of mobile phone!! 65 minutes make fresh egg be cooked.
The FCC issues the ranking of global mobile phone radiation, although there aren’t enough proofs to show the radiation could lead brain sicken, the harm is obvious, as for how harmful lever is, it’s difficult for us to feel when we use it.
One Russian website KP makes an experience “ mobile phone cook the egg”, through the call of phone to cook the egg, first choose one egg in the chinaware(be easy to conduct heat), then put two phones on both sides of the egg, then begin to communicate, in the first 15 minutes, the egg seems no apparent change, when 25 minutes later, subtle change is coming, the eggshell become hot, 40 minutes later, the surface of egg become more harder, when the experimenter knock out the egg by hand, finding the egg white is solid, but the vitellus is liquid-solid, 65 minutes later, all the experiment is over, the experimenter find the egg is fully cooked. 1# 东东的小店
完了,我经常煲电话粥。。 事实证明用耳朵接电话,比用小JJ接电话好~~
否则蛋蛋就熟了 我也是啊刚刚在爱词霸沙龙那看到这文章的 糟糕了因为有移动VPN以前我经常和女朋友一聊就是1个小时以上怪不得没个学期都会挂一科 原来煲电话粥煲坏了脑子 哼哼╭(╯^╰)╮ 还有600多分钟的VPN还没有用 哈哈待会买个新鸡蛋做做试验!!可以的话 它就是我明天的早餐了! cctv早就用实验证明这事是假的
没那么严重 额...我的脑子熟了 我觉得我煲电脑的时间比煲电话的时间长~~ 现在.2009了...蓝牙耳机...不用那么辛苦还要拿手拿着手机...你不累..我都要累死了..那个打完以后胳膊疼的`.. 宿舍不是有固定电话么? 换条长一点的线拉到床边躺床上边聊边玩手机 惬意 这个算好的……
- -·不过习惯了所以不怕死……