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6 o, u) X: U+ p8 N' r8 G0 o- HK-Lite Mega Codec Pack是解码器包的鼻祖,是K-Lite Codec Pack Full+QuickTime Alternative+Real Alternative的集成包,它将网络上常见的影音编码程式全部收集于一身,你只需要安装它,就可以利用Windows Media Player,BSplayer,kmplayer或其他常见的影片播放程序观赏这些格式的影片了。
/ E! s' O7 \) A2 i, P$ ]$ }K-Lite Mega Codec Pack的特点是兼容性好,占用系统资源小,不插启动项,不拖慢系统速度,安装和卸载都不用重启计算机。
f! c# ^ r4 t3 I! {) n* a
. E" H$ m' V0 Z4 [' gLatest Changes: & C( P3 V. P' M' l8 ~+ e/ l5 ]5 D4 T
5 o9 U" H" s$ T2 s' lUpdated ffdshow to revison 1106
9 [7 S$ b; R; b+ E; lAdded CoreAVC [version]
+ y: S) L+ {; h" G# n7 @The QuickTime ActiveX control for Internet Explorer is now listed as a separate component in the installer 2 F9 i0 j) N. E. C5 |* }
The RealMedia ActiveX control for Internet Explorer is now listed as a separate component in the installer 9 t3 v/ d: }2 M/ W3 ]7 N5 O7 D% g
6 c, q. ?/ e* o2 i" S TRemoved LameDropXPd 4 n# ~ p: b/ d# E
Removed OggDropXPd
; x0 m1 a. w+ E+ u( nAll three above are now available as separate installers ) H4 S( N3 ~2 U& \6 X5 k7 t
Removed MP3 Source
3 U5 s6 _+ ^: tRemoved ShoutCast Source
( V! g. B* X1 P/ x0 J2 h. gRemoved FLAC filters
/ ~* D8 m$ `3 d4 d3 m8 V1 L3 SRemoved Monkey's Audio filters
- }! ?5 S, C+ t' gAdded DC-Bass Source [version 1.00]. This filter replaces the above four removed audio filters. It additionally adds support for the following audio formats: True Audio (.tta), Alac (.alac) and Tracker (.mod .it .xm .umx. s3m .mtm .mo3)
% |" v, ~: J' a7 d/ M: sRemoved MMCompView 4 T8 p" O4 o' D$ k, e0 F
Updated MusePack decoder to version % d. d2 m* ?4 r2 E8 _% x) C
Added RadLight OptimFROG audio decoder [version] ; W7 L/ @1 R i# u+ S! w& Q* l$ h; K) e
Added CDDA Reader [version]
5 D2 N: O/ h6 @; T i" DAdded CDXA Reader [version] * C& T0 c- X+ Y# x
' H A, @7 X7 l2 X: \7 d6 ]2 D6 v
4 c8 A$ C/ z* ~: S. ihttp://gzcnc.onlinedown.net/soft/50731.htm : X& Y% q; N! i1 R6 I6 K: C2 J
; |8 h' j8 K4 n: h, ^4 ?9 k
: e1 s* Y" h/ h/ u- n
/ F2 M+ e3 E0 Y+ R# E; K5 x关联RMVB等文件到Windows Media Player的注册表文件
* q8 c/ f) x2 {. g$ [5 s
5 f O, e! O, a播放器用来用去还是觉得Windows Media Player最好用,管理媒体文件的能力绝对最强,装上K-Lite Mega Codec Pack后就可以播放任何媒体文件了。 , b# k, H0 a1 s. p( R: M
% j( C3 n. D9 } B9 c8 F+ \$ K5 ` E使用后的效果是双击rmvb等文件时可以用Windows Media Player打开,Windows Media Player的打开对话框中可以看到rmvb等文件,媒体库中也可以识别。即使Real电影中有弹出网页广告,使用Windows Media Player后广告也不会弹出了,所以安全性大大增强。 3 N3 h" R, ^% o" `
http://bbs.crsky.com/read.php?tid=1032406 |