
楼主 |
发表于 2007-11-10 16:17:43
VHF Channel 16 is only to be used for calling in case of distress, safety or urgency, where the other station`s working VHF Channel is not known,or where the other station`s working VHF Channel is known but is engaged. Calls on VHF Channel 16 may be made up to three times at intervals of two minutes. If no reply is received after the third call, the intervals between calls is to be extended to three minutes. Calling is not to be continued after it becomes obvious that no reply is going to be received. VHF Channel 16 is not to be used for communications other than those connected with distress, safety and urgency situations ,except that an exchange less than one minnte in length concerning the safety of navigation may be made on VHF Chennel 16, if it important that all ships within range hear it.
请有感情的朗读~:loveliness: :loveliness: |