
楼主 |
发表于 2008-10-3 18:27:26
光荣退出杀毒舞台 卡巴斯基6.0个人版即将停止技术支持
# H) A; f, I. q/ Y; g; X i& o2008年9月1日期,不提供卡巴6系列个人版的技术支持,2008年10月1日起,停止卡巴6系列个人版的升级服务。9 a% t& J% j( d+ ^/ E+ A
1 D; e# @5 ~7 k6 S; C建议所有的6系列个人版用户,请在2008年9月1日后,升级你们的版本,可供选择的版本有卡巴斯基7(最新简体中文版为7.0.1.325)系列和卡巴斯基2009(简体中文版将会在7月底或8月初发布)
$ d0 Y+ C" S8 U1 z% u) z$ F! d7 Y
1 k' i3 N3 Y; N& G( w+ _ m; kPersonal desktop protection f$ h1 R, H: p) ?, m
End of support for products version 6.0 [ID Article: 1798] 2 s1 w4 a0 V* L
Concerning to:
8 u; _. f9 D0 t) tKaspersky Internet Security 6.0 (all builds)
/ z# l' `* l% N9 n$ aKaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 (all builds)
4 C- q% m/ W4 P# |8 U; N1 l& L3 a4 LKaspersky Lab announces that the following products are not supported from September, the 1st 2008: * r" P; h9 R$ M
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 # O# i# @. {* V8 C, j. A
Kaspersky Internet Security 6.0 # V- e# A1 ^5 v
End of support period means that Technical Support service does not provide support on the product functionality questions. No errors are confirmed or fixed.
) w& T* O4 r7 T! `Users of these applications have the right to: $ c0 v: ? O0 I Q
2 h/ A! g( z3 |* Y6 K
Migrate to personal products version 7.0 or 2009 (recommended action) % a& W/ _& q0 c F! ^1 b
, a3 w, q: P) X3 ^/ n& ZContinue using version 6.0 "as it is" without technical support provided.However to continue using version 6.0 you should install the latest product build -
; X/ Y; _/ r8 b1 A' w, d3 }- `For this: g4 E2 ~" ]: Z% h( k& `, Q/ a
1. From Kaspersky Lab’s site download the distributive of build
- ]1 W- h' y; S0 o2. Remove the installed product. $ a5 R5 {! M+ ~
3. Restart your PC. 4 d6 A# ?# _3 h! p" d% e( ?
4. Install build with the current valid activation code/ license key file. . c' t3 m y7 }
- r3 S1 w( V; q4 a! h6 sMigration to build is necessary whereas from the 1st of October, 2008 no anti-virus and other databases are going to be released for builds,, and! It means Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 and Kaspersky Internet Security 6.0 will not be able to update their databases. $ ~9 w# C% |- C2 `4 Z* s
- ]* F; H: r$ b' P
Technical support and release of databases for the applications * e8 Y7 D ^* J6 v" z- f
# V( p6 V; y b" U0 G7 S
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for Windows Workstations 4 X* t, u! u6 E- W( I _
Kaspersky Anti-Virus SOS 6.0
! J: I, S5 N, @- [# G" qKaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for Windows Servers
1 H) @- f& c' J: j0 p WKaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for Windows Servers Enterprise Edition 5 O' u& b% g. Y+ P( \3 E& h0 ~; J/ Q
will be carried out according to the Product Support Lifecycle table.
# ?3 Z3 S3 y* t' P/ M5 n; s0 O3 f! W, S
* {1 W5 w- \; z0 o% ^9 x" z W2 T! V; O% G7 j
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' c& l% B$ w4 W+ x% Y" y- x# O# O+ i' \* ^5 ^, Y1 E0 |
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