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电脑包和水壶是国庆的时候买手机送的。。闲置无用就拿出来换米了。。都是全新的。。水壶拿回来的时候比较脏。。洗过一次。。但绝对没用过~# C b$ B' i. ~0 ~& O6 d/ g _$ `
( ?* ?( S: o7 y' R0 V2 d, k5 }电脑包25~水壶15~精装日本书籍55~7 W% D+ M+ s% D+ \! ?
9 c! o# E5 N/ R; J2 @
5 B( |2 _* c9 O( z图书属性
4 M! p: ~ [; S7 o5 J8 p书号/ISBN : 9628065160
+ X1 H1 l% Y/ n0 m语言 : 日文
5 Y r0 s* F! V! x出版时间 : 2005.3 4 s& V1 r! Q* O8 H' _* O
出版社 : 香港心源
. @4 F6 y5 S4 h0 Y7 P4 E% ?8 X上架时间 : 2005.5 $ F# h: c0 {5 x% f' i: |8 g' |, d: V
1 P" M5 ?+ I" [) [) m" u详细介绍- u: m k2 g, b
Japanese Packaging has collected the Japanese packaging designs in 2005, with elaborate pictures and rich information. It covers over two hundred cases of packaging designs, including five parts: paper package, bottle package, soft drink package, box package and the others. There is not only display of individual items, but also display of the effects of numerous articles together. There are also comments by the very designers, so it is an invaluable reference book, offering important information for designers to see clearly the trends of international packaging design.
9 F! C% f6 Y# T6 w) x% q' K& K7 m5 @3 h( s: d( q
本书收集了日本2005年的包装设计作品,并配有精致的图片和详细的说明。共包括200多个包装设计案例,分为5个部分:纸装、瓶装、软饮料包装、盒装和其他。书中不仅展示了单个的项目,也展现了众多作品放在一起的效果。设计者的注解同样也是不可少的,所以,这是一本宝贵的资料,为设计师把握世界包装设计潮流提供有价值的参考。2 ]' ~ z* I9 Y6 J( J5 `
( P1 H3 C. G! w* X1 V- h联系方式:QQ549427431
- h5 K: p+ Q7 `/ _
# d' `- L8 g* _! }[ 本帖最后由 低调的炫耀 于 2008-11-6 12:46 编辑 ] |
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