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发表于 2010-1-6 22:49:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
招聘英文写手 & R( X/ q* G% y5 O; L
  $ L5 Z1 Q0 `7 O4 R& a
你是否每天枯坐在电脑前无所事事?想拥有一份轻松简单的兼职吗? 试试这份兼职吧!1000单词100-250元! 只要熟悉专业知识,并且精通英文写作,你就有实力成为我们之中的精英份子! 如果你有自信的话,请联系我们。 我们真诚盼望与各位有识才俊保持长期稳定的合作关系,大家共利共赢。 / m. H- J  o$ V" Q. E

" [; V8 X$ o, y0 i( c  ^$ n招聘要求:
4 D$ f1 P9 C) H) Z( L7 f  c2 V1 U3 d& O1.熟悉社科类、会计类、法律类的专业知识
; d& U5 G* ~$ z9 z- _/ E2.要有较强的逻辑思维以及英文写作能力,英文要求在6级以上 " _0 }) J" z8 R) Y8 P# Q) s
0 _9 I1 V9 ?" K# F+ Z$ q0 R% H5 q4.充足的业余时间 , v. [* k! u6 P* u& U/ a  g
/ Z5 q8 u6 n' k- V
  ]+ x& ]% t% g: w所写专业:
8 ?+ a" I6 H- d8 G# V4 _* Accounting, ' ~" U- ?* C: G, E/ N5 A
* Advertising
$ ^; p. H( }5 ]5 j! j0 L* Banking
0 M/ v( |- n4 e# V) A* Business
, u8 N2 V( I7 P9 S1 A: i* Business Law
2 t, n7 ]0 p( z$ U* E-Business 7 `. T; }  q. k: z
* Economics
" Z( b4 x% b: a% f5 {0 m* Education
3 I+ j! [$ L8 _  _5 b! E* Finance
9 R# d# |8 c, y, E+ B- y/ U  h* Global Trade
: L) f! [5 y, S: T8 G9 ]% T* Healthy * b( M2 K: J  U0 U4 f
* Hotel Management % Q% p3 k( o0 o3 l7 a5 k! J) j! B: i
* Human Resource
& q3 j% q7 M' z6 X- n* Insurance
( n* q' \9 l, D* IT
$ W. j" h& a' B8 v/ ^. `4 I* Logistics ' P' m+ p; h3 Y( m2 {$ K2 A2 k' ~( f
* Management
& y5 l! |4 o, o$ e* Marketing,
9 k5 B9 I9 i& k) T9 E+ {* a* Media 2 Z' P7 T) p9 h! p9 N
* Nursing * u, m! L) n. F& b# j9 u; b3 a; X
* Politics 2 _# X( \, V2 B$ N  J
* Public Relation
& e) _5 N$ W6 M2 s! [  `* Statistics 9 l* Q0 ?! O* D! z
* Tax # R3 W# t0 d: {8 ?7 }
* Tourism& p0 h( C3 ~; r! v8 x# j
( c% [- Q" V' ^* S8 V  b
6 C# y1 n) ]9 Z稿费:1000单词100-250元, 每周结算稿费。
4 l4 b5 m$ n  G6 _QQ:  Rita 1119862047   添加好友请注明:应聘英文写手
; R' c0 Z5 G- n5 I" V2 b; P( xEmail: purplegigi1@gmail.com 7 g/ a5 f) X  f4 Y
  Z  V) Y# _/ Q6 f! d
6 G" b; Q% M! w" ~1 x) j0 H; t此广告长期有效。真诚盼望与各位有识才俊保持长期稳定的合作关系,大家共利共赢! % l) N# x  l- L9 T
# K: |6 [8 l7 I$ ]( }8 C7 w- R9 l
0 R2 J: q/ D2 G8 ~# @' Q' \% B. ^# E. S  h4 V+ Z- ]4 Y
Recruit English essay writers, weekly check
5 y) w$ ?6 n% h, o7 ~Wanna have a relaxing and simple part-time job? Have a try on this one! 100-250 yuan for 1000 words! In case that you are familiar with the social-economic major, you have the chance to become the elite among us! If you are confident enough, please contact us. We look forward to knowing talents and keeping long and steady cooperation with you sincerely, co-oporation makes double win! * c9 A. a( q# i' r1 s
  ! K( n7 h; B& ^& I7 B9 p
  - x  g. |! U2 o
Requirements: , P- H2 L' K9 P6 a( T
1 graduate student with grounding in basic skills of writing of English. The master and the above education
5 F, b9 O# H+ r* o% ]2. logical thinking and English writing ability, English is required in above BEC6 or same level. - b* W) u+ C- l6 v9 R8 t9 T
3.Serious and responsibility attitude 4 p: U0 l5 O" y3 Z/ W
4.Sufficient free time with computer online whole day
. ?/ u% \1 N- i8 h5 V' Q2 H  
, A9 k7 O* g+ F. MEssay Major: * e! J7 `2 H5 Y
9 X5 Q- f1 e0 Z; v5 z9 G1 I/ |Accounting, Advertising, Banking, Business Law, E-Business, Economics, Education, Finance, Global Trade, Health, Hotel Management, Human Resource, Insurance, IT, Logistics Management, Marketing, Media, Nursing, Politics, Public Relation, Statistics, Tax, Tourism" @$ M# a$ x5 W! g8 {4 u3 L
remuneration: 100-250 yuan for 1000 words, weekly check. % d  X' i+ G8 \2 s" s% z" d
  - ]+ F& P- D& i8 @) e7 B% Y4 }$ }
QQ: Rita 1119862047 + c. M! A( [1 J! e% h4 G
Code: English essay writer : r9 l' ^# K2 Y- l. G8 t- r  g
Email: purplegigi1@gmail.com - K( a: Q0 Q6 W9 [
Please send mail to the above-mentioned postboxes,  we will reply for you soon. ) Y2 n6 _% B! E, |
  ' F; I& }' M1 x
This advertisement is long effective. We look forward to knowing talents and keeping long and steady cooperation with you sincerely, co-oporation makes double win!
# h. N) }; P9 d; C; WHold a job, overcome the crisis together!
 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-1 15:17:38 | 显示全部楼层
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