QUOTE: 1 |8 I6 L; [8 XThose who have long delay after reboot please change original bl.pplfile by this one (you need to disable self-protection first). And letme know if this problem is gone.& P$ O9 w( s7 a! F: J2 P7 `( V
- l+ {6 f1 I3 K# [8 i1 a
替换bl。ppl文件,替换时取消自我保护。 ) H6 ~7 l! q+ ?# i F9 ?6 j我比较过虽软都是614版本的bl。ppl大小差不多,版本注释也是一样,但MD5却不一样,自己替换了,启动慢的问题大有改观。 $ Y# m3 t: u' r7 W8 N详细链接:http://forum.kaspersky.com/index.php?showtopic=305018 ?3 a5 n' U$ D% E8 \- |( y' p, }