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My Chemical Romance - Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge
表演者: My Chemical Romance
唱片数: 1
条型码: 0093624861522
发行时间: June 8, 2004
版本特性: Explicit Lyrics
出版者: Reprise / Wea
介质: Audio CD
曲目 ······ · 1. Helena
· 2. Give 'Em Hell, Kid
· 3. To The End
· 4. You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us · In Prison
· 5. I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
· 6. The Ghost Of You
· 7. The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You
· 8. Interlude
· 9. Thank You For The Venom
· 10. Hang 'Em High
· 11. It's Not A Fashion Statement, It's A Deathwish
· 12. Cemetery Drive
· 13. I Never Told You What I Do For A Living
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Dance Gavin Dance - Whatever I Say Is Royal Ocean
1. Whatever I Say Is Royal Ocean
2. The Robot With The Human Hair Pt. 1
3. The Robot Vs. Heroin Battle of Vietnam
4. Tidal Waves: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
5. The Importance of Cocaine
6. The Robot With The Human Hair Pt. 2
7. Burning Down The Nicotine Armoire
相似歌手 Akissforjersey, Four Letter Lie, Brand New
Sherwood - A Different Light
表演者: Sherwood
条型码: 0602517238824
发行时间: 2007-03-13
出版者: Fontana Interscope
介质: Audio CD
01. Song In My Head
02. The Best In Me
03. Middle of The Night
04. For The Longest Time
05. Home
06. Alley Cat
07. Give Up!
08. Never Ready to Leave
09. The Only Song
10. Alive
11. The Simple Life
12. A Different Light
13. I’m Asking Her to Stay
My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
2007-02-26 03:34 P.M.
表演者: My Chemical Romance
唱片数: 1
条型码: 0093624442721
发行时间: 2006-10-24
出版者: Reprise / Wea
介质: Audio CD
1. The End
2. Dead!
3. This Is How I Disappear
4. The Sharpest Lives
5. Welcome To The Black Parade
6. I Don't Love You
7. House Of Wolves
8. Cancer
9. Mama
10. Sleep
11. Teenagers
12. Disenchanted
13. Famous Last Words
14. Untitled
The Thermals - The Body, The Blood, The Machine
2007-02-26 03:33 P.M.
表演者: The Thermals
唱片数: 1
条型码: 0098787070323
发行时间: 2006-08-22
出版者: Sub Pop
介质: Audio CD
简介 ······ With a wider, brighter, and wilder sound than anything they've done in the past, this record adds walls of guitars, organs, and even a few "ballads" (a.k.a. slightly pretty songs) to the mix, while still retaining the gritty post-pop-punk sound for which they're globally famous. Recorded in the band's hometown of Portland, OR by Fugazi's Brendan Canty.
曲目 ······ Here's Your Future
I Might Need For You To Kill
An Ear For Baby
A Pillar Of Salt
Returning To The Fold
Test Pattern
St. Rosa & The Swallows
Back To The Sea
Power Doesn't Run On Nothing
I Hold The Sound
Home Grown - When It All Comes Down EP
2007-02-26 03:26 P.M.
1. Keep Your Distance
2. Cross My Heart
3. I Was Right About This
4. Midnight City Sky
5. I Win, You Lose
6. What Would Love Do You
相似歌手 Allister, New Found Glory, The Starting Line, Midtown
Punk Goes 80's
2007-02-26 03:12 P.M.
表演者: Various Artists
条型码: 0714753007529
发行时间: 2005-06-07
出版者: Fearless Records
介质: Audio CD
简介 ······ This is the fourth installment in the "Punk Goes" series, and features the coolest new punk bands covering such artists as Tears For Fears, Modern English, Oingo Boingo, and The Bangles. Includes exclusive tracks by Sugarcult, Reliant K, Early November, Motion City Soundtrack, Rufio, and more. Previous "Punk Goes" comps include "Punk Goes Acoustic", "Punk Goes Pop", and "Punk Goes Metal".
曲目 ······ Manic Monday - Relient K
I Ran - Hidden in Plain View
I Melt With You - Sugarcult
Your Love
Don't You Forget About Me - Rufio
Pop Song 89 - Motion City Soundtrack
Holding Out for a Hero - Emery
Just Like Heaven
Power of Love
Straight Up
Dead Man's Party - A Thorn for Every Heart
Wrapped Around Your Finger
Forever Young - So They Say
Everyone Wants to Rule the World
Video Killed the Radio Star - Amber Pacific
Halifax - Start Back At Start
2007-02-26 03:07 P.M.
1. One Last Dance
2. Name Your Price
3. Ten Fingers Isn't Quite Enough
4. Finished In A Day
5. Here I Am
6. Shootout (You'll Never Come Back)
7. Tuesday's Waiting
8. Call All Your Reserves
9. It's Late, I'm Up
10. Cat's Game Ending
11. C.H.A.O.S.
相似歌手 Hidden In Plain View, Senses Fail, Amber Pacific, Armor For Sleep
Dropkick Murphy's - Live On St. Patrick's Day
2007-02-26 03:04 P.M.

表演者: Dropkick Murphys
唱片数: 1
条型码: 0045778043729
发行时间: 2002-09-10
版本特性: Live
出版者: Hellcat Records
介质: Audio CD
简介 ······ Boston's working class punk kings return with an album recorded live over a three-day span centered around St. Patrick's Day in the band's home turf (Boston MA at the Avalon Ballroom). Twenty-six tracks of punk, Oi, street punk, hardcore and Celtic folk sounds. 2002. .
曲目 ······ Intro
For Boston
Boys On The Docks
Road Of The Righteous
Upstarts & Broken Hearts
The Gauntlet
Rocky Road To Dublin
Heroes From Our Past
Finnegan's Wake
Which Side Are You On?
A Few Good Men
Curse Of A Fallen Soul
The Torch
Gang's All Here
Spicy McHaggis Jig
John Law
Wild Rover
Fortunate Son
Nutty (Bruin's Theme)
Good Rats
Amazing Grace
Barroom Hero
Dirty Walter
Bloody Pig Pile
Jonas Brothers - It's About Time
2007-02-26 03:01 P.M.
表演者: Jonas Brothers
条型码: 0828768671627
发行时间: 2006-08-08
出版者: Sony
介质: Audio CD
简介 ······ 美国当红青少年兄弟乐团首张狂飙流行摇滚/庞克热血创作/演奏专辑.
Joss Stone金牌制作研发打造深受The Ramones,Jackson 5影响新新乐种。
来自New Jersey的Jonas Brothers,不由得令人想起Hanson,同样是三兄弟,同样能演奏,会写歌,融合了男孩团体的偶像特质和摇滚,Punk等音乐元素,在曾担任Extreme鼓手的Michael Mangini和Steve Greenberg,两位也是成功打造Joss Stone的金牌制作人的精心调制下,创造出一张充满阳光能量又带有60,7O年代复古风情的《It's About Time》,也奠定Jonas Brothers成为Hanson接班人的人气。
13岁嗓音清亮充满爆发力的小弟Nicholas和16岁的Joseph轮番担任主唱,17岁大哥Kevin负责吉他和和声,共同诠释了学校生活、初次约会等所有青春期青少年都会面临的遭遇,年轻俏皮,「This song had gone multi-platinum/Everybody bought our seventh album/It had outsold Kelly Clarkson」〈 Year 3000 〉描写自己在公元三千年仍大红的盛况,不禁令人莞尔想起曾经拥有的的斗志和妄想。深受The Ramones,Jackson 5和Modern Lovers等艺人影响的Jonas兄弟也非常注重旋律,好听易记的副歌,大量的和声,《It's About Time》可说是2006年最好的青少年专辑。
形容自己有些人来疯,热爱舞台表演的三兄弟有着一对音乐人父母,生活中音乐占了很大的份量,围着钢琴弹唱是Jonas兄弟们家常娱乐。刚学会讲话就开始唱歌的小弟Nicholas神似早期Stevie Wonder和Taylor Hanson综合体的嗓音特质被唱片公司相中签约,三人鬼灵精怪天马行空的想象力和合作无间的音乐性在专辑中展露无疑,产生了美妙的化学效应。除了〈 Year 3000 〉,描述了在6分钟之内就能对异性产生巨大好感的〈 6 Minutes 〉,当感情走到尽头,〈 7:05 〉标明了生命中那些永难忘怀的伤心时刻,专辑中许多歌曲都和时间有关,所以定名为《It's About Time》,同时也如同〈 Time For Me To Fly 〉预告,为Kelly Clarkson,Jesse McCartney担任暖场嘉宾,舞台经验丰富,年轻而斗志十足的Jonas Brothers的年代来临了!
曲目 ······ What I Go To School For
Time For Me to Fly
Year 3000
One Day At A Time
6 Minutes
You Just Don't Know It
I Am What I Am
Please Be Mine